PV solar panels are a terrific way to generate your own 100% renewable energy. They can help you to offset the cost of your energy and even get your energy supplier to pay you via Feed in Tariffs or their successor, the Smart Export Guarantee. What’s more, if you live in Devon and the Southwest, you’re officially in the group that will benefit from PV solar panels the most! With the warmest and sunniest climate in England, the Southwest is the best place to generate the most solar power, and save the most on your energy costs.

If you’re looking for a reliable partner to help you with your solar installations, you should consider Solar Synergy. With over 40 years of experience in the electrical and renewables industry, they offer a range of services that can help you make your home or business more sustainable. Take a look at their website by Clicking Here.

The services they offer include...

PV solar array design and installation

Solar Synergy can design and install solar panel arrays that are built around your needs, helping you to generate enough energy to power your home while also keeping your budgetary needs in mind. They can make ground and roof mounted solar installations, and even help you to install completely off-grid energy systems that require no connection to the National Grid at all.

Hybrid battery solutions

Typically, households only use between 25% and 50% of the solar power they generate. After all, we generally tend to use most of our energy in the evenings, after the sun has gone down. Your energy supplier may pay you for this via the Smart Export Guarantee. Or you can capitalise on it further by installing a hybrid battery solution.

These integrated systems manage the energy you generate as efficiently as possible, storing surplus energy in batteries for later use. This can help your household use up to 80% of the energy it generates rather than 25-50%.

Supply and installation of energy-saving devices

When it comes to energy savings, PV solar panels are just the tip of the iceberg. Solar Synergy have a range of other solutions that can help to make your home even more energy-efficient. These include boiler controllers, fuel conditioning systems, immersion control systems and other energy-saving devices that can augment your solar system and enhance your energy savings.

And a wide range of other electrical services

Finally, the team also offers a wide range of supplementary electrical services that can help you to save even more money on your energy bills. These include designing and implementing low-energy lighting solutions, re-wiring, underfloor heating and more.

If you want to make your Devon home more energy-efficient and cost-effective, there’s no better place and time to do it!


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