In these precarious times, we’re all looking for ways to drive down our household expenses. And when it comes to our energy costs, the vast majority of households can make substantial savings. Switching to a green energy tariff can save you money while also helping to save the planet. Nonetheless, many of us still want to do more. More for the environment, and more for our ailing bank balances. Which is why over 900,000 UK homes currently use PV solar panels.

But installing solar panels in the home isn’t something that many, even experienced DIYers, feel comfortable doing themselves. If you’re looking for a trustworthy partner to help you install and manage your own solar array, Tangent Energy is a good example of what you should be looking for in a partner. You can take a look at their website here. They offer a range of solar services designed around the needs of UK households and businesses.

Generate your own green energy

Solar panels are an accessible and effective way to generate your own 100% renewable energy. Britain may not be known for its bright and sunny weather all year round. But solar panels generate energy all day long, whatever the weather.

Whatever energy you generate but don’t use can be fed back into the grid and paid for by your energy provider via the Smart Export Guarantee. That’s right! Your energy supplier could end up paying you for your energy! This can help you to further offset your household or business energy costs.

Store solar energy for later use

Households typically use around 50% of the solar energy they generate. If you don’t like the idea of feeding solar power back into the grid, solar batteries are a fantastic way to store the unused energy you generate. But that’s not the only way in which your household can benefit from storage batteries. If you have an Economy 7 meter, you can store cheaper energy through the night to use during the day. A fantastic way to improve the financial viability of your solar array. Tanjent Energy can even retrofit existing solar systems to incorporate battery banks.

Bespoke solutions built around your needs

Every household and every SME is looking for something slightly different from their solar arrays. Which is why you need a solar installation partner that doesn’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Tanjent Energy take the time to get to know your needs before designing unique solar or solar and battery systems to accommodate them.

100% COVID-safe installations

Fortunately, with vaccinations on the rise and cases dropping, COVID-19 will hopefully be a distant memory soon. But in the meantime, it’s as important as ever to be vigilant. Which is why you need an installation partner with COVID-safe practices that adheres closely to government guidelines to protect your household inside and outside. Tanjent Energy can help reduce your household’s carbon footprint and save money on your energy for decades to come while carrying out 100% COVID-safe solar panel and battery installations.


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