Are you looking for a reliable electrician in Central London? We’ve got 5 great reasons why you should choose Ellie’s Electricians
There are many reasons why you may be looking for a reliable local electrician. Perhaps you’re concerned about the state of your wiring, and need a qualified electrician to carry out an inspection. Maybe you need your home’s electrical installations or perhaps you’re thinking of replacing your home’s lighting, or simply getting a new plug socket installed in your living room. Or maybe you’ve noticed some scorch marks around your sockets and need a reasonably-priced diagnosis and repair.
Those living in the big smoke have no shortage of local electricians to choose from. But we have 5 good reasons why Londoners should choose Ellie’s Electricians. You can take a look at their website right here. Located in Central London with great coverage of the city, they’re well worth considering for the following reasons:
”Run by women, driven by men”
According to the World Economic Forum, the gender pay gap is still very real, and could take up to 200 years to close, globally. There are lots of ways in which we can help to reverse this trend. One of which is to support female-run businesses. As the name suggests, Ellie’s Electricians is run by women, driven by men. With the genders working in harmony together.
A great range of services
Your local electrician isn’t just there for scary stuff like repairs and fault-finding. They can also help with the fun stuff, too. Like beautifying your home’s lighting or making installations that will make your home more comfortable and convenient.
There’s no job too big or too small for Ellie’s Electricians. They can help with everything from full-home rewires to lighting and appliance installations to testing and fuse board changes.
And, of course, when you need repairs, they’re on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Upfront and transparent pricing
Nobody should have to put up with hidden costs and sneaky extras that are stealthily added on by less scrupulous contractors. Thankfully, Ellie’s Electricians feature upfront and transparent pricing on their website. If you should need a service that isn’t mentioned on their website, simply get in touch for a free zero-obligation quote.
Fully certified
Your home’s electrical infrastructure deserves the very best in professional care. After all, it keeps your household safe, and powers your lifestyle. Fortunately, Ellie’s Electricians is the very definition of a safe pair of hands. Not only are they NICEIC certified, they are also City & Guilds registered.
So you know that their skills are exemplary and constantly tested and built upon to offer you the best service.
Enthusiastic reviews from real customers
As your advisor on all things pertaining to energy, we don’t expect you to take anything that any company says about itself at face value. Instead, we encourage you to look at what their customers are saying about them.
The good news is that you don’t have to scour the internet to see what customers are saying about Ellie’s Electricals. Just take a look at their website, which is chock-full of enthusiastic 5-star reviews from real customers.