We all do our best to make our homes look beautiful. We invest a fortune in the right furniture and arrange it with mathematical precision. We clean and tidy diligently, ensuring that dirt, grime and dust don’t detract from our interior’s aesthetic. We decorate with love, care and attention, imbuing our living space with personality, class and style. However, even the most lovingly crafted aesthetic can become besmirched by poor lighting. 

We know how much our users care about their homes. Which is why we’re happy to help them slash the cost of keeping the lights on. But if you want your lights to work a little harder to showcase your beloved property, we recommend talking to the team at Asco Lifestyle. Take a look at their website here. Based in Manchester, they are your go-to source for all your lighting needs. We’re happy to shine a light (sorry) on their services…

Why your home needs lighting design

Your home’s lighting isn’t just about making the place look beautiful. There are also a lot of safety and energy-efficiency implications for your home’s lighting. Yet, in many cases, lighting is one of the last aspects of architectural design to be considered, meaning that your home will probably never look as good as it could and should. 

New lighting design can draw the eye where you want it, providing illumination, character and ambience where you need them most. 

How a lighting consultant can help

A lighting consultant can help with the creative aspects of redesigning your lighting to better showcase your home. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg! They can also help with the technical and logistical aspects of designing and implementing new lighting systems. Working with electricians, they can produce and coordinate loading schedules to ensure energy efficiency and ease of home automation. They can design elaborate 3D renders of the desired effect for your lighting solutions. They can guide you through every aspect of making your vision a reality.

Lighting solutions built around what matters to you

Great lighting can’t be created by trying to push a square peg into a round hole. Asco Lifestyle get to know the client, their home, and their aspirations before designing lighting solutions in collaboration with them. So you know that your lighting is built around your preferred aesthetic, your home’s layout and, above all, your vision. 

No job too big or too small

Asco Lifestyle brings elegant lighting solutions to projects of all shapes and sizes including residential and all kinds of commercial lighting solutions. They have years of experience combined with the technical knowledge to make your living or working space truly shine, balancing the geeky with the creative to truly showcase your space. 


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