Here at Life Without Limits Ltd we are all about helping people move beyond the limitations that hold them back from living the best life possible.

Limitations, whether recognised or subconscious, create a huge amount of internal stress on our body and mind. Some people are aware they are stressed, and that this is impacting on their overall sense of wellbeing, others start to have physical niggles, eg weight gain / weight loss, digestive issues, back or joint pain, low energy, unbalanced hormones to name but a few, which they eventually see as warning sign that their overall health isn’t great, and may be suffering as a result of their lifestyle.

As a young child we believe anything is possible – we grow up believing that we can absolutely be, see, do have or be anyone we desire. We are, in the main, protected from the world of limitations.

Unfortunately this childhood innocence doesn’t last for long, as limitations are subconsciously fed to us day in day out, by well-meaning parents, the education system and the media. Before long, we enter the ‘real’ world and start to believe the story, the story that most people grow up believing – if you go to school, work hard and get a good job, then you will get well paid, have enough money to buy a house, have nice holidays, start a family and have a great life.

Why then, are so many people either stressed out with life, unhappy or developing health issues that are beginning to limit their ability to live life to the full?

Fundamentally, it is because happiness comes from within. And within us all is that innate knowing that ‘anything is possible’, knowing that those childhood dreams which we’ve lost, were real and we are constantly being pulled back to them – either consciously or unconsciously.

Life has ended up full of must do’s, should do’s, have to do’s and for many of the clients we work with, they are simply running around fulfilling everyone else’s dreams but their own. 

Life, and health, is a journey not a destination. Awareness is the first step to change and we are never too old to change. Life Without Limits helps people develop their own health, wealth and lifestyle toolkit, to take them from where they are now, to where they want to be. From a health coaching and lifestyle medicine perspective, that toolkit is based around our 6 elements for optimal health. The success we have with clients is because we come from the knowledge that ‘one size does not fit all’, everyone is a unique individual and the starting place for one person will be different to another.

Nicki Campbell is a former nurse, Pilates teacher, personal trainer and sports massage therapist. Using all these experiences alongside her training and experience as a Holistic Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach, she has a great track record of helping stressed out busy people ‘get their passion and enthusiasm for life back’

Peter Campbell is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Lifestyle Medicine Physician and leadership coach. In addition to helping people stay active by replacing worn out hip and knee joints, Peter also specialises in working with people who are developing symptoms in their bones, joints and muscles are open to managing those symptoms with lifestyle change rather than drugs or surgery.
To find out more about what we do at Life Without Limits and how we can help you, please visit us at


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