Are you thinking of selling your home in Merseyside? Red Rooves are an award-winning hybrid estate agency that could help you get the perfect result for your sale

We’re not just here to help you to save money on your energy bills. We’re also here to help you save money in other facets of day-to-day life where you’re at risk of being overcharged. Take selling your home, for instance.

Whenever you sell a property you have to part with some pretty hefty fees, and there’s always the nagging feeling that your house is withering on the vine because your estate agent isn’t doing all that they could to promote and sell it. That’s why we’d like to shine a spotlight on Red Rooves, an award-winning hybrid estate agent with a proven track record in Merseyside. You can take a look at their website right here.

What is a hybrid estate agent?

A hybrid estate agent is an estate agent that offers the services of a high street estate agent, but also has a robust online presence. As such, they are often more flexible and cost-effective than traditional estate agents. Here are a few reasons why we’re so happy to recommend Red Rooves.

No sale, no fee

Many estate agents will charge you an upfront fee. One that you could do without as you prepare your household for the logistical complexities of moving. Red Rooves operate on a strict no sale, no fee policy. So if they’re unable to sell your home, you don’t pay them a penny. Not only is this cost-effective for you, it also demonstrates a commitment on their part to sell your property in order to recover the cost of marketing it.

Fixed fees

Some estate agents will charge a percentage of the final sale fee. However, this can mean that the cost of selling your home escalates if you accept an offer that’s above your asking price. Fortunately, Red Rooves have completely fixed fees, so you pay the same amount no matter how much you get for your property. This can make it much easier to budget for the sale of your home, and keep costs manageable.

Latest technologies leveraged

As a hybrid estate agent, Red Rooves understand the importance of appealing to buyers who are browsing online. As such, they leverage state of the art technologies to ensure that your home looks as appealing as possible and draws a lot of interest. For instance, they use Matterport technology to create a 3D digital doppelganger of your home. 95% of buyers are more likely to call when this is used.

Multiple award-winners

Finally, Red Rooves have won multiple awards and are recognised as the best agent in Merseyside at the International Property Awards 2021. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Take a look at their website and you’ll see that they’ve won multiple regional, national and international awards over the past few years!


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