Who is British Utilities and what exactly do they do?
British Utilities provides a comparison on gas, electricity and water services and prices. These can be for both homeowners or businesses. The simple to use comparison services allows users to find the best prices that are currently on the market for their energy and water providers. All you have to do is enter your current address followed by details about your energy provider and a detailed comparison will be made. If you find a better deal based on your personal preferences, all that is left to do is fill in an application form that will be immediately forwarded to the new supplier. British Utilities also offers expert advisory services, to ensure a smooth transition between providers. This easy to use service will save you both time and possibly money.
How much could be saved?
Currently the highest saving made so far by a home customer of British Utilities is £1353.06. How much do you think you can save? You are likely to save an average of around £350 a year for your home just by switching providers or even just your tariffs. Simply enter your personal details on British Utilities website and they will analyse and compare every single tariff available for your home.
98% of businesses will make savings after renewing their contract using British Utilities services. A new research investigation by Yü Energy claims that businesses are overpaying on their electricity bill by up to 44% and up to as much as 65% for their gas bill. Yü Energy also discovered that more than a quarter of business owners do not know what energy tariff they are currently signed on or when their contract is up for renewal. A water and energy together scheme is also provided in order for businesses to further save on their bills. See more information about this on the company website linked further below.
The latest energy news with British Utilities
British Utilities also has a vast resource of useful information related to the energy sector. These pages can be found in their News section on their website which will be linked further below. All you need to do is to fill in your name and email and in order to get access to an array of posts. The posts cover the latest news, such as the UK banning petrol and diesel cars starting in 2030 or the introduction of the first UK homes heated with Hydrogen gas.
How can I learn more about British Utilities?
By visiting British Utilities website you will find all the information you need regarding switching energy providers. Whether it is for your home or for your business, if you just fill in your personal and providers details on their comparison tool they will analyse the market’s current tariffs in order to find you the best deal possible. Additionally you can find the latest news information by subscribing to their newsletter. All the information you need is available here: https://british-utilities.co.uk//